About Wicketwoods

Wicketwoods is a mystery adventure horror intended for adult audiences. The story swaps between following Cole and Lochlan as they discover many mysteries going on around a small town in the woods. This town has been known for its criminal activity and violence, making Cole and Lochlan's journeys more convoluted and sometimes dangerous.

The day work on it began can be debated due to the original version of the story differing drastically from its state now. Writing for Wicketwoods would have begun on April 1, 2024 if you only consider the span of time that it was titled Wicketwoods. If you consider any form of the story no matter how much it has changed then writing began all the way back in 2008. Though as you can imagine that version of the story was mere skin and bones compared to today through learning how to write and collaborate with others. Whichever date you consider the true age of Wicketwoods is up to you.

All of the characters are written by LochlanNor except for one. The character Cole Genesone is part of a stand alone arg series known as Cole Genesone Industries. The writter of this arg has done collabrative crossovers with Wicketwoods to allow his character to make appearances in the story.

Previous versions of Wicketwoods also has alot of collabrative writting but with many more people.

Later there will be more helpful information regarding the different phases Wicketwoods has been through all these years listed on this page. It will more than likely be in a timeline format to help simplify its history for those who want it.